To My Daughter's Adoptive Family
Photo: The Malicotes
To the people who adopted my daughter,
Did you know? At four o’clock in the morning, at your wits end, exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally, did you know? As you diligently fed, pumped, bagged and saved your liquid gold day after day, night after night, did you know that we too would be awake at 4:00? Your valiant efforts to give your child the best start would also give my daughter hers. Because of your selfless generosity our baby girl was fed by not one mother but 9 and grew 5 pounds and 4 inches by two months old.
To those who donated clothes, did you also know? When she stole your heart in that now too small “daddy’s princess” onesie did it break your heart to send it my way? Did you know that another princess would wear that same shirt and steal her daddy’s heart just the same?
When you donated your dollars, your sacrifice did not go unseen. When you prepared a meal for two terrified parents your efforts we not ignored. When you toiled at sewing machines making blankets or worked your fingers raw crocheting quilts the warmth of your love became physically and emotionally palpable.
For the 104 cards, 123 Shower attendees, 235 messages, 403 comments and innumerable thoughts and prayers... thank you. It is clear to me that G’s adoptive family extends far beyond these four walls. We are eternally humbled, amazed and grateful.
I can’t wait to introduce you.